May 29, 2009

International Space Station

well, not much to look at but this is my first attempt to take a picture of the International Space Station from my roof in Delhi. the sky was decent by Delhi standards, but suddenly the clouds covered the east and west, where the ISS was to pass(magnitude -1.1) . just managed a few glimpses through the clouds. not a great shot but still happy to catch it on some pixels.
Prime-focus on Celestron 4" Maksutov telescope. 1325mm focal length. f/13. 1/125sec. ISO800. Nikon D90. Guessed the camera settings and tracked by looking through the red dot finder. The image is a close-up crop from the full frame.

May 2, 2009


startrails from Manikaran in Himachal Pradesh, as the Earth rotates on its axis which points towards the Pole Star. combination photo of 65 exposures of 3mins each totalling 195mins.
shortlisted in the Greenwich Astronomy Photographer of the year 2009.

May 1, 2009

Zapak motion graphics

short animations for the end of TV commercials for, an online gaming site. Agency: ideas@work, mumbai.